Things have been fast and furious here.
Many adventures some good some bad.
Needing to really focus on the key to making a living by my art.
No more playing around.
No more time spent doing other work for other people.
I tend to share my ideas before their time and those who have the ability to move faster take these same Ideas and run with them.
I have to learn to keep things to myself more.
It is interesting to find so many people who tend to make me feel less than I am are so willing to take my plans.
Now if they don't respect me....Why do they want to beat me to my own game.
Not sure this is making any sense but just something I need to put down....
I have missed another show and exhibition deadline. I feel that I am sabotaging myself in my own endeavors....if I plan to make more than I did last year then I need to stay focused.
It isn't that I need to enter the shows....but it is important to produce new work.....and entering shows seems one way to get me to produce.
I have sold 2 very large paintings and I have 3 that would make a good income if they would sell.
I need to work on my newest series which is titled the Family Life.
I need to get a calendar together or program of some sort that would keep me up to date on shows.........
well, I need to do a lot of things and I seem to be spending time on the computer instead at the easel.....