In the time that has past since this painting was completed...the arm over the shoulder was reduced to just a hand on the shoulder.
Then later on a new baby was born into this family a little girl, Katelyn.
As she grew....she was kept by her Nane' and Da while the rest of the family were at work or in school
This little princess would stand on the couch and look at this painting and as she she got older would name her brothersand point and tap them.
Later as she grew and could convey more information about her wants and needs, Katelyn would often ask to be picked up..."p"ease me in painting. "
This being funny we each would take turns holding her up next to the painting over the sofa and she would giggle about being in the painting with her brothers.
I finally got the hint...and removed the painting from the wall and took it to the studio upstairs.Katelyn came in the day after I had removed the painting and first thing she noticed was the painting was not on the wall.
Where is it Nane' she demanded in her wee voice....lol
I said "upstairs...would you like to see it. "
"Yes" she replied.
And we went upstairs together.
At the doorway to the studio...Katelyn stopped and squealed at the top of her lungs....dancing in place she clapped and clapped and giggled.
"IT"S ME Nane' in the painting with Robby and Conner...."
No greater joy for my painting attempts has ever been received as in this painting that meant so much to one so small.