When does the Pain stop......
I really don't dwell on the latest events that have happened in my life.....but there are always these unexpected moments that bring it home to the heart. A photo, a small personal item, a letter, a thought.........even the wish to hear someone's voice just one more time. Then the tears flow and you stand there wondering how it happened that the sunshine filled day suddenly becomes a storm. I ask...when does the pain stop? Am I expecting relief too early or am I truly going into the tunnel of darkness of no return. Someone asked the other day HOW ARE YOU DOING.....I told them I am OK except when someone asks and it brings it all back to me once again. Isn't that silly? Everyone says I seem to be doing great...then why does it hurt so much. I guess, it is Father's Day and it is just another reminder that he is gone. I love you Dad. I posted a photo of you on my facebook page and everyone has written that I look just like you....funny, I never noticed it before.