Wednesday, March 06, 2013

building on the ground floor....which translates to...working more on the trees...
I am beginning to enjoy the process again.
Will continue to refine and work on SKY HOLES in the trees....makes them more realistic.

Tuesday, March 05, 2013


My Last post I thought I would go off on a WILD GOOSE CHASE
or maybe even opt for HARE & NOW...
then I switched over to CHICK IT OUT....and I got Lost in the Country....

Blue Tree on the Creek   18 x 24
Autumn Tree Line 10 x 10
landscape paintings for a exhibition in I wandered through the trees I remembered an Autumn Tree Line 
hopefully I will continue
 to paint and keep looking 
for the silver lining 
  of my own creativity.
I am still trying to find something that inspires me. I started with whimsical this year...and thought.OK not fact almost enjoying the thinking process. So I decided to be happy ok that started it... BEE HAPPY....everyone was telling me to be happy to feel happy. So off I went to paint.

So here is BEE HAPPY by yourself. Very small and easily finished. 
What's next....well continue of course.

Ok so enough of being happy by myself..

now time to BEE HAPPY in twos...maybe even threes or fours.

Maybe I can even find happiness in a crowd.

Well now that I found myself happy....maybe I will go off on a WILD GOOSE chase