Friday, August 31, 2012


just a title and nothing else.....let's see if I can't turn it into a new start.

Organized? what....

I go on an on about things I want to do.
I keep piling on more work and never even seem to get anything done any longer.
Is there a secret to putting it all in place?

Well if there is I have no idea when, where, or how.

When time permits

I should do more visiting of blogs.
I was just introduced to a new one this evening and it was delightful to read such poignant words.


wow....things on internet change in a heart minute you can get minute it takes days to return.... isn't really the fault of the internet...more likely my fault...I take full blame...mainly my lack of interest, passion, desire...for anything creative. Just when I think I am about to make a break through and get going again.....something in REAL LIFE throws me another lemon and I am off again in my spiral of neglect. I use to stand up against RL problems and just integrate it into my creative processes. I have got to get back there again or RL will simply swallow me up..... My first step was getting back took all day...and man I am mentally tired now. But I am not giving up...nor stopping...I will turn it on and I WILL be posting again.. Life is too short to sit idle and watch the wind is time now to express that wind blowing in a painting. See you soon....I promise myself.