Friday, October 19, 2007

Creative Intelligence?

Esoterica: Creative intelligence also involves the simultaneous use of mind and spirit. Whether mind before spirit or spirit before mind, retrofitting and deconstructing spirit is the habit of our age. Perhaps the evolved CI guy is best at thinking it out first, then making the leap of faith, then covering tracks. "I throw a spear into the darkness. That is intuition. Then I must send an army into the darkness to find the spear. That is intellect."

This is a quote from the latest Robert Genn newsletter.

I realize there are two main kinds of artists. Those who think it's all
about technique, methodology and process, and those who think
all you have to do is "wing it." The latter, sort of like
skydivers without benefit of parachutes, are all over the place
these days. Attitudes of "anything goes," "anybody can do it,"
and "I can do what I want as long as it has 'heart'" prevail.
While I'm a first-line advocate for intuition, just to make
things difficult I have to tell you there's something else we
need to think about. It's called "Creative Intelligence."

CI do I have it?
From his discription of what it means and how it affects an artist I actually believe I do.

I jump off regularly and let fly but always with my parachute, because I expect to land if nothing else. I think it through, work it out, prepare, then jump.
This process Robert Genn titled CI I thought every artist possessed. I didn't think of myself as being any different from any other struggling artist.
Lately, I have been flying non stop, starting and stopping to reflect only when my parachute seemed to get tangled.
The entanglement, at least in my case; are the moments when the peer approval, admiration or whatever you personally wish to call it, gets bogged down. The group I like to attend and where I find my own awareness doesn't liked to be pushed out of the plane to jump. I seem to be a pusher. I wish to have everyone fly. I guess it is time to back off, reflect on my own self and let everyone else fly at their own pace. So in some cases the CI individual needs his/her own awareness to keep on flying, especially when the peers are not around to pack their parachute.

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