Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Long Slow Journey

It has been a long slow journey getting over the passing of my fact it is 1 year for that passing and now we are facing his birthday without him once again. It is still hard to not have him around for counsel, but I am moving on and learning to accept that there will always be an empty place.
For anyone who is following or reading this may ask what does this have to do with art as I see it....well....actually that is exactly it. I don't seem to see the colors any longer. I first worried about not having the passion to paint, but figured as time passes, the passion would return. Then I worried,yes; I have come to realize that worry is my major job at the moment; but back to the subject of art, I worried that the colors I use to explore just don't excite me any longer. Ok, so this is the way it is going to be, I need to get over it and find ways to handle what I am left. There are great things that can be done with subtlety, I just have to learn how to handle it. My journey now is in learning to live with the quieter side of life, to see things NOW, not as I imagine them. To find beauty in the quiet leaves that are falling, the birds that take to wing, the lazy river that feeds the swamps. Not everything has to be blinding like the sun in your eyes......or rushing so fast that you only have glimpses. So I am going to slow down, I hope, and find something that will get me motivated again to paint. AND...I am going to have to learn how to stop worrying. HA!!!!! that may be my new passion.

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