Tuesday, October 02, 2012

another day another field of flowers..... Sunny Fields.

I sit here and think of all the possiblities with flowers...I guess there are more paintings in me after all. ~smiles This one may not be finished after all...appears to have an empty space midcenter...rethinking.

second working.....think it fills out much better....it too me a little while to balance the top flowers and looking at it on the screen there may still need to be a bit more tweaking. Ah, ha, I took out some of the blue green that weaved it's way to the top...and I think that is what is missing...back again to the easel. (the light sure does make a difference the shadowy one at top I like better)

now I worry about overworking...better give this one a break and let it rest and come back to it later.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Keep going.... I'm loving it.