Friday, July 10, 2009

For just a moment.....

I have been so engrossed in my new commission piece that a lot of things have been left undone around here. One such item has been my email. When suddenly, you are called to task and need to take a preview of your to do "lists". This happened when I received a call this morning from a very personable young man who was interested in whether I had read his recent mail to me. I was honest and said he preceded to give me the information over the phone line.

I was pleased to hear that it was regarding the possibility of my taking advertisement in a magazine titled ARTSMEMPHIS.

I was thrilled to listen and even over joyed in the idea that I might be able to be a participate in a collaboration by art groups here in Memphis. I hope you understand the picture I am painting here, since the painting on my easel was glaring me in the face and reminding me that there was a deadline looming up.

Anyway, this delightful young man and I were inadvertently disconnected at the most vital part of our conversation...the bottom line. LOL

Not to be unrequited in this obvious opportunity I tracked the caller down and continued our conversation. He was very apologetic for the "dropped call" and we continued on with the information I was seeking. This young individual was less enthusiastic in my following up on what I perceived as my much needed information. I got the feeling that he felt like I was wasting his time, not that my time was of any consequence, but so be it. I wanted the information and I preceded to ask my necessary questions to get there.

Finally I let the young ardent marketing individual off the hook and told him...thanks for the MOMENT that you allowed me in the idea that I could be financial stable enough to afford a place in your 3 issues per year at the price of $5k.

So FOR JUST A MOMENT............

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