Monday, July 23, 2007


Do you ever look for a champion?

I find that sometimes I feel like it is me against the world.
I look for someone to side with me...even when I may be wrong.
I look for someone who will gently put their hand on my shoulder and take part of the burden that I can think clearly.

It would be hard for anyone to measure up to my expectations, and I am aware of that, but it does come in the strangest of ways. Then tension and over extension of passions draw back and space is provided to think.

My champions are few and far between. I think it is because I exude this strong exterior that really is my own protective armour, so the champions I might expect to stand with me usually
can be found standing back and just watching.

Recently because of strange Internet miscommunication of the typed word, things can take on a very different connotation then intended. Once this takes is like a rolling stone gaining momentum down the hill. Nothing brakes or halts such an onslaught and you wonder WHAT HAPPENED.

As you defend yourself it seems to take on a mind of it's own and more and more people become involved taking sides, choosing opponents, adding fuel to the fire.

When the dust settles you wonder if anything will be the same again. I know when there are those who take a stand to support you and understand you, and even take the time in their supportive way to help you get over the hurt and pain of the conflict. Then yes, you can go back and start again with knowledge that someone there really does understand.

For this moment, I want to make sure that I take time to say thank you SIR are my champion and you are a gentle soul.

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